
DIY Landscaping vs. Professional Services: Expert Insights on Managing Planting Times in Santa Fe

Wondering whether to plant your Santa Fe garden yourself or hire a professional?

Carefully selected plants can transform your outdoor space, giving it a vibrant, magical feel that enhances your home’s unique appeal. But first, what role do planting times play in creating a harmonious landscape?

We will explain the importance of planting times and explore DIY landscaping vs. professional services.

Join us on this exciting journey and learn how to have a healthy and thriving garden during every season.


What Are Planting Times?

Planting times are specific periods of the year when different types of plants should be planted to ensure optimal growth and development.

These times are based on a variety of factors, including the plant’s biological characteristics, local climate, and growing conditions.

Planting Times in Santa Fe

The unique climate of Santa Fe presents specific planting challenges and opportunities. If you’d like to DIY, here are the top things you need to consider when creating your outdoor oasis.

Spring Planting

Spring is the ideal time for planting in Santa Fe because the weather warms up and the risk of frost decreases.

  • Clear debris and weeds from the planting area.
  • Plant perennials and shrubs like lavender and Santa Fe phlox, allowing them to establish roots before the summer heat.
  • For the best results, visit a nursery in your region to discuss plant options and get expert advice on choosing the best varieties for your area.

Summer Planting

Summer planting in Santa Fe requires careful planning due to the intense heat and dry conditions.

  • Opt for heat-tolerant varieties such as succulents, yucca, and agave as they are well-suited to the region.
  • Make sure there is adequate irrigation as young plants can suffer from heat stress.
  • To retain soil moisture and regulate soil temperature, use mulch.

Fall Planting

Fall is an excellent time for planting in Santa Fe, taking advantage of cooler temperatures and increased moisture.

  • Plant perennials and bulbs that will bloom next spring.
  • Prepare garden beds by adding compost and organic matter to improve soil fertility and structure for the coming year.

Winter Planting

While winter is not a traditional planting season, you can still perform certain activities in your garden.

  • Plant bare-root trees and shrubs that will establish roots before spring growth begins.
  • Use row covers, cold frames, or garden cloches to protect winter crops and extend the growing season.

The Importance of Planting Times in Landscaping

Proper planting times ensure that plants receive the right amount of sunlight, temperature, and moisture, keeping your garden lush and vibrant throughout the year.

Optimal Growth

Planting at the right time gives plants the best chance to grow strong roots, thrive, and bloom well.

Pest and Disease Management

Proper timing can help you avoid peak pest and disease periods, reducing the need for chemical treatments.

Efficient Resource Use

Planting at the right time optimizes water, sunlight, and nutrient use, reducing the need for extra inputs. This helps conserve resources and supports sustainability.

Aesthetic Impact on Your Outdoor Space

Planting at the right time keeps your garden or landscape looking its best. Planning when to plant each type allows you to enjoy continuous blooms and vibrant foliage, creating the beautiful outdoor space you’ve always wanted.

Professional planting landscaping in Santa Fe​
Proper planting times ensure optimal growth, pest management and efficient resource use​

Pros & Cons of DIY Landscape Planting

If you are considering a new landscape planting project, you might be weighing the benefits of doing it yourself versus hiring a professional. Let’s explore the unique advantages and challenges of DIY landscape planting.

Pros of DIY Landscape Planting

  • Cost savings: DIY landscaping cuts labor costs, allowing you to spend more on high-quality materials and plants.
  • Flexibility and control: Managing your own landscaping project gives you the freedom to adjust the layout, add new plants, or change design elements without waiting on a contractor.
  • Personal satisfaction and creativity: DIY projects let you express your creativity, from choosing flowers to designing pathways or water features.

Cons of DIY Landscape Planting

  • Lengthy: DIY landscaping can be very time-consuming, especially if you’re not familiar with the process. Tasks like installing a garden bed or building a retaining wall might take several weekends, while professionals could complete them in just a few days.
  • Exhausting: Moving heavy stones, large plants, or bags of soil can be physically demanding — particularly if you have health issues or limited mobility. It also increases the risk of injury.
  • Complex: Without proper guidance you might choose plants that are not suited to your local climate or soil conditions, resulting in poor growth or plant death. Consider consulting with a local nursery or professional landscaper to ensure you’re making the best choices for your landscape.

Benefits of Working With A Professional Landscaping Company

So, is hiring a landscape designer worth it?

DIY planting can be satisfying and cost-effective but also comes with its own challenges.

With a landscaping company on your side, you can transform your outdoor space effortlessly and enjoy a more rewarding gardening experience.

Expert Knowledge

Professional landscapers have extensive knowledge of plants, soil, and landscape design.

They understand the specific needs of various plants along with when and how to best integrate them into a spectacular design that thrives in the local environment.

Comprehensive Site Analysis

Landscaping experts conduct thorough site assessments, including soil testing, drainage evaluation, and sunlight exposure analysis.

This ensures that each plant is placed in an optimal location for its growth.

Access to Quality Plants

Landscaping companies have long-lasting relationships with suppliers, giving them access to rare or specialty plants and materials that may not be available to the general public.

They can source species that thrive in your garden’s specific conditions, offering a unique and lush landscape that stands out from standard DIY options.

Time & Effort Saving

Working with professionals allows you to enjoy your outdoor space without dedicating significant personal time to its creation and maintenance.

While their expert team designs, installs, and maintains your landscape, you can spend your weekends and holidays relaxing.

Maintenance and Support

Landscaping companies typically offer ongoing maintenance services, including pruning, fertilizing, pest control, and seasonal clean-ups.

They make sure your landscape remains healthy and attractive, preventing common issues like overgrowth or pest infestations that can occur from neglect or improper care.

Creative Design Solutions

Experts bring creativity and innovation to landscape design, incorporating unique features and elements like flagstone patios, water features, and outdoor fireplaces.

They can create a harmonious and appealing environment that you might struggle to envision or execute.

A bench and beautiful plants in a Santa Fe backyard​
From expert knowledge to access to rare plants, working with landscaping experts brings numerous benefits​

Work With Urbanna Landscaping to Create Your Dream Garden

Urbanna Landscaping is a trusted professional landscaping company dedicated to helping homeowners create and maintain beautiful outdoor spaces.

If you’re looking to transform your garden into a serene oasis, here’s how we can help you:

  • Personalized plant selection: Our team will recommend the best plants for your climate and soil conditions to ensure they flourish and complement your landscape design.
  • Optimal planting times: Leveraging our extensive knowledge of planting schedules and local climate patterns, we ensure each plant is sown at the optimal time to maximize growth and health.
  • Soil preparation and amendment: We will test and amend your soil to provide the optimal environment for your plants, giving them the best possible start.
  • Seasonal planting adjustments: We will monitor seasonal changes and make necessary adjustments to your garden, crafting a seasonal nature’s symphony year-round.
  • Maintenance services: We offer ongoing maintenance services, ensuring that your landscape remains in top condition.
  • Time and labor savings: Our team handles all aspects of planting, from digging and planting to mulching and watering, saving you time and physical effort.
  • Comprehensive landscaping services: Going beyond planting, we offer comprehensive landscaping services including design, maintenance, irrigation systems, and hardscaping to create a sustainable and beautiful garden. Check out our recent article about landscaping ideas in Santa Fe.
  • Customized solutions: We tailor our services to meet your needs and preferences, whether desert landscaping, a colorful flower bed, or a lush backyard.

Partner with Urbanna Landscaping and enjoy a beautiful outdoor space.

Ready to transform your outdoor space?

FAQs About Professional Planting Services

For more insights into the challenges of DIY vs. professional planting services, here are some frequently asked questions and their answers.

Is it possible to combine DIY and professional planting approaches?

Yes, definitely. You can manage simpler tasks on your own while relying on Urbanna Landscaping experts for more complex projects or initial planning. This way, you can enjoy the satisfaction of DIY gardening while benefiting from our expertise in critical aspects such as planting times and design.

Can planting times affect the biodiversity of a garden?

Yes, the right planting times can enhance the biodiversity of your garden by ensuring various plants thrive together. At Urbanna Landscaping, we design gardens with diverse plant species that bloom in succession, attract different pollinators and create a dynamic ecosystem.

What is succession planting?

Succession planting involves planting different crops or plants in the same space at different times throughout the growing season. This technique helps keep your garden visually appealing throughout the growing season.